Pfizer Crazy Heart reaction— Garmin watch data after 1st dose!
This one is not related to investing, trading just is fascinating for me as the data point view goes. I see it as facts worth sharing after getting my 1st dose.
Name: BNT162b2
Manufacturer: Pfizer, Inc., and BioNTech
Type of Vaccine: mRNA
Monitoring Gear :)
Garmin Forerunner 245
I assume myself as a healthy person and am recreating often at least 4times weekly (running, hill climbing, mountain biking or some other activities).
Never wanted to have some gear like smartwatch as am personally more fan of analog ones.
So before that I only had the computer on my bike with strap to monitor my heart rate and as for running goes, I always hear myself and wasn’t fan of any gadget. As am still firmbeliver that 1st you need to listen yourself and make some schedule and after it go with watch as will help you to get better.
Problem I see is that guy in your watch doesn’t see how you are running and how you place your feats, etc. And he doesn’t know you have little kids that needs you and is bothering you with your schedule of running even that is freezing outside, giving you same instructions then when is summer. Ok, these weren’t meant as a review of coaches and watches so let’s move on.
These Sundays I received my 1st Pfizer Covid dose. And all I knew was a small pain in the left arm. This is it. So the next day was Sunday we went to small walk. I knew that I can’t go to any hill climb or something as precautions that why we went just like 3km (approx 2miles) walk. And suddenly my watch starts to vibrate as crazy. 1st I ignored it than I checked what is happening and it detected HIGH pulse. Really high for myself to be honest. My personal feeling didn’t noticed it at all. I really didn’t feel as I was having so high heart beat. Felt little bit off just 163 bpm in no effort walking was a shock for me.
Then I came home and start checking google, watch data and I came to strange conclusions. It’s a fact that body is doing some work and that work is hard. Making some other effort means that yes It can bring some crazy reactions and wonder what would happen in case I went for a run, even just a few miles… Some data even say that I was over the covid already. That wasn’t confirmed with antibodies test as I had those like 7,9/ml and 50/ml is the point that you assume as recovered. As for study linked below goes. I can say that my heart rate confirms I had it already. Just my antibodies say’s differently.
The fact is that just in this month I was exposed to the covid 2 times and luckily no one of us got sick. Contact was close, outside and was over 2h with those guys.
All I know now is that is really strange disease and yes, I would go for my dose again. And yes, I do believe in side effects, just looking it from my data, this is not as easy as some my think. That’s why I didn’t make any larger effort, but yet I made long walks each day just to keep myself in the movement. And now after the 3rd day my pulse is back to normal and I don’t feel nothing at all.
Below is data taken from my watch as I see it as good analytics and am fascinated what one smart watch can show you even when you are not aware of it. And these times am kind a thankful to Garmin and to my birthday present that I have it. It is a fact that watch stoped me before I felt ony my own that I need to stop it!
Data for my random 5k run:
Data for day I recived 1st dose:
1st day AFTER (Garmin tought my walk was in reality treadmill :):
2nd day After:
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