TA-lib python, windows
Straight forward instructions for ta-lib installation on windows.
1st: Check your windows version:
2nd: Check your python version in terminal or at VM with: python --version
After you have correct info, like: Windows 10 Pro, Python 3.6.10 :: Anaconda, Inc.
Go to Python Extension Packages for Windows download web page and download right version for you.
Right version for my case here is: TA_Lib-0.4.19-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl as Bold letters indicates our version of Python and windows.
Now go to your terminal and input: py -m pip install <Your file location>
Processing e:\ta_lib-0.4.19-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
Installing collected packages: TA-Lib
Successfully installed TA-Lib-0.4.19
That’s it. All done. You are ready to use Ta-lib for your project.
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